Hi everyone,
As for taking the body of the Christ, keep doing this, as Jesus commands us, "keep doing this in remembrance of me".
If you actually examine 2nd Thess 2, it is addressed to the "church" body of the Christ (1v1) and it concerns us all today,
on "the day of the Lord". "That day will not come , unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness IS revealed". (v3,4)
So Jesus will not return until this happens. It says "he exalts himself ~~ so that he takes his seat IN THE TEMPLE of God". The temple
being the body of our Lord. Ask yourselves logically, who is amongst the faithful and discreet servant class today inside symbloic
Jerusalem who is proclaiming to be GOD? Not even the Pope today claims to be God.
But, there is one who sits inside the temple of symbloic Jerusalem today who actually calls himself God and is worshipped as God.
Think about it? Who are the witnesses actually serving? Even taking the name upon themselves in 1931. They are the only people
who use this name? It is of interest to read v11 "Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false,
so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness".
The name "Jehovah" was only invented in the 16th century by William Tyndale under Holy Spirit. It had a purpose to fulfil and it was
inserted in 2 places only, Exodus and Isaiah 83, and in Exodus it says "by my name Jehovah was I NOT know to Abraham, Isacc or
Jacob who became Israel. That purpose has now been fulfilled and our great God has already revealed who this really is. He has even
revealed to the POPE through his spirit, the name should not be, and he has directed him to remove the name from all hymns today.
Until William tyndale the name did not exist and Jesus taught his apostles to pray to his father, Imagine calling your father by
his name instead of father, or still, the queen of England, as Elizabeth instead of your highness? How completely disrespectful that would be.
I think Donuthole you have a nice approach to our God as father.
I only pray you will all read my journal. On the man of lawlessness, you would be shocked. www.pitn.net
thanks for all your responces.